Rust Around A Bathtub Drain I Have Rust Forming Around The Drain On My Bath Tub. How Do I Stop It? What Do I Do?

I have rust forming around the drain on my bath tub. How do I stop it? What do I do? - rust around a bathtub drain

Normally a tank is 25 years old house. I have a few spots of rust - the size of a pencil eraser right down the drain. Can I kill and I am back to a bath?


manza said...

Baking soda and vinegar as a natural alternative. Sprinkle baking soda in first, then pour over the vinegar. This foam. Be it for a moment and then use the kitchen, washing machine (no abrasives) pad.

manza said...

Baking soda and vinegar as a natural alternative. Sprinkle baking soda in first, then pour over the vinegar. This foam. Be it for a moment and then use the kitchen, washing machine (no abrasives) pad.

techno_b... said...

try CLR

techno_b... said...

try CLR

James M said...

Id you are out of the chance to fix things. What happened, of iron or steel, porcelain tank of the exposed surface disappeared and the iron of the tub itself

A temporary solution is from May to clean the area thoroughly with an abrasive kitchen. Then take a clear adhesive Polurethane (you can buy in a jar at Lowes) and a thin layer near with a clean cloth to the area of injury. Once you've created and used (remember the water needed to cure urethane is) for about 2 more layers of urethane on the tub seal. When properly applied, is that it takes one or two years.

If you decide on a new bathtub, you can come to a specialist and a feed for the existing acrylic bathtub. Those that work well, but they are expensive to maintain in my opinion for what you are.

Good Luck

rebel said...

Iron-Out, you can at any hardware store.

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