I have rust forming around the drain on my bath tub. How do I stop it? What do I do? - rust around a bathtub drain
Normally a tank is 25 years old house. I have a few spots of rust - the size of a pencil eraser right down the drain. Can I kill and I am back to a bath?
Rust Around A Bathtub Drain I Have Rust Forming Around The Drain On My Bath Tub. How Do I Stop It? What Do I Do?
2:31 PM
Baking soda and vinegar as a natural alternative. Sprinkle baking soda in first, then pour over the vinegar. This foam. Be it for a moment and then use the kitchen, washing machine (no abrasives) pad.
Baking soda and vinegar as a natural alternative. Sprinkle baking soda in first, then pour over the vinegar. This foam. Be it for a moment and then use the kitchen, washing machine (no abrasives) pad.
try CLR
try CLR
Id you are out of the chance to fix things. What happened, of iron or steel, porcelain tank of the exposed surface disappeared and the iron of the tub itself
A temporary solution is from May to clean the area thoroughly with an abrasive kitchen. Then take a clear adhesive Polurethane (you can buy in a jar at Lowes) and a thin layer near with a clean cloth to the area of injury. Once you've created and used (remember the water needed to cure urethane is) for about 2 more layers of urethane on the tub seal. When properly applied, is that it takes one or two years.
If you decide on a new bathtub, you can come to a specialist and a feed for the existing acrylic bathtub. Those that work well, but they are expensive to maintain in my opinion for what you are.
Good Luck
Iron-Out, you can at any hardware store.
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